General Information: Dogs may escape for various reasons, including social isolation, as they are social animals and can become lonely or frustrated when left alone for extended periods. Boredom can also prompt them to escape if they lack toys, playmates, or sufficient exercise, especially for active breeds. Separation anxiety may drive dogs to escape as soon as their owner leaves. Fear of loud noises such as thunderstorms, firecrackers, or construction sounds can also cause dogs to flee. Additionally, intact male dogs may escape due to a strong reproductive drive to seek out females. Other behaviors reflecting a strong attachment to their owner can also lead dogs to escape.
Affected Genes: MSRB3, MITF, IGFBP2, SHISA6
Inheritance: Complex Inheritance
How to Read Your Dog's Results for this Trait:
More Likely to Escape: Likely escapes and roams from home or yard, given the opportunity
Possibly Likely to Escape: Possibly escapes and roams from home or yard, given the opportunity
Less Likely to Escape: Unlikely to escape and roam from home or yard, given the opportunity
Zapata I, Lilly ML, Herron ME, Serpell JA, Alvarez CE. Genetic testing of dogs predicts problem behaviors in clinical and nonclinical samples. BMC Genomics. 2022 23(1):102.